Standard Features

Standard Features For A Not So Standard TV Cabinet

The Technology And Features We Offer Standard Issue

We invite you to further explore below the technology that comes standard in one of our award winning CT Lift System TV Lift cabinets, because understanding the level of excellence you're getting is the first step in choosing a TV Lift by Concealment Technology. We've taken the best the industry has to offer and improved upon it, and we've taken the worst and completely redesigned it, engineering the finest TV Lift cabinet you will find. Our engineers have spent years working with other industries to redesign a safer, quieter, faster, and longer lasting TV Lift giving you a quality product surpassed by none. So enjoy a peak into our world and see why our TV Lift cabinets elevate the the TV Lift industry to a higher level.

Fully Enclosed TV Case
At Concealment Technology we take the safety and security of your TV seriously. Other TV Lift providers only offer open lift mechanisms that leave your TV Lift cabinet open to damage. Since we design and build our own cabinets, we can ensure all of our TV Lifts are built to last by building a matching case for the TV itself so that you never have to worry about a unnecessary wear and tear due to an inferior design.
Drag Chain Cord Management

With so many cords moving frequently inside a TV Lift, you're guaranteed to do some unwanted damage to your cords. Concealment Technology offers the same level of protection for your audio/video cables that can be found in many manufacturing robots across America, an attention to longevity you won't find anywhere else.

Incognito Storage Solutions
A wise man one said "A hidden TV is only good if the components themselves are hidden as well." Wisdom is not taken for granted here at Concealment Technology and that's why our design team drafts each and every cabinet to utilize every available empty space and turn it into a usable space without compromising the aesthetics of the design. Adjustable shelving hidden from sight while keeping your components safe and functional.
On Board Controls
Since batteries can run out of juice over time, or remotes can go missing, we decided it was best to include an on board hidden button to allow you to control the lift mechanism without the need for a remote. Not only can batteries run out of juice, but you can also lose connectivity to your smart home network, so a dedicated on board button is great to help troubleshoot connectivity issues.
Smart Phone + Companion Remote
Our standard Luxury CT Lift System remote redefines ultimate control over your entertainment system — Press an Activity button like “Watch TV” and all the right devices change to the right settings. A streamlined button layout and full number pad make it a breeze to change channels, adjust volume, fast-forward and rewind. Plus, you can control individual or grouped devices, like lights or plugs, with dedicated home automation buttons.